First let me start by saying that in general I am a real fan of Electrolux products from vacuum cleaners to their wonderful Wascomat commercial line of washers. However, anyone contemplating the purchase of a small front load washer sold under any of the above Electrolux brands in the 16 to 17 pound sizes (3.1 to 3.5 CF) should be aware that they are building them to throw away standards. As a professional repair man and owner of these machines it has come to my attention that the main support or spider hiding behind that gorgeous stainless steel basket is made of white metal which corrodes so badly that it will fail after only 5 to 6 years with a horrendous crash. Typically there will be about a quart of nasty corrosion hiding behind the basket which has been mixing with your clothes all this time.
The "spider" or basket support is removable or separable from the basket and SHOULD cost

In other words they have due to their greed relegated that $600.00 to $800.00 washer to the dump. No one in their right mind is going to spend that kind of money repairing one of these machines when for about the same money or another one to two hundred bucks they can purchase a new machine.
Until Electrolux (the parent company) decides to rein in their greed I simply cannot recommend these machines. It is a shame as they are otherwise a great machine. I would love to hear from others who have run into this same problem. Maybe with enough people getting together we can change some attitudes.
- I am not sure how old this post is (april 17, 2010?), but I would like to add that you need to remove the vanes in the tub as the new new tub does not come with them. I should know better than to throw out old parts before the job is done since I work at sea for a living, but was still dissapointed in electrolux for not including them and that they cost $13 each plus shipping.
- Thanks for the comment Odpoe, Reason for the odd dates is to keep my blogs in order of oldest first so the blog makes more sense. Trouble is you have to click on the archive posts on the right in order to see the rest (newer actually) of the story AND pictures. They should make that an option as to the order of things posted but last time I looked that was not an option so you have to cheat with dates.